We produce bespoke pallets

Tailor-made Pallets

We provide you with the pallets designed for the transport of any type of goods. We develop professional design of a wooden packing according to the requirements which correspond to the type of packing, handling equipment or to the wishes of the end customers.

Pallet production and sale
Outgoing quality control of pallets

Quality Control

We do guarantee the highest possible quality level. We place great emphasis on the quality control, which is performed within the whole production process, final treatment and dispatch.

We deliver products through our own trucks to intended destinations

Speed and Reliability

Fast and high quality services are the main priorities of our company. To transport our finished products we use our own truck transport. This allows us to respond our customers' requests in a flexible and reliable way.

Transport services
KLAUS Timber a. s. company – certificates – CZ-058 HT, ISO 14001, ISO 9001, PEFC, AAA, TISAX, UIC, EPAL, TIMOCOM

Comprehensive Production Process

Thanks to our comprehensive production process we are flexible in reactions to our customers´ demands.
We provide timber sawing, pallet production and also pallet drying and transport services.

Comprehensive production process of KLAUS Timber a. s. company - timber purchasing, pallet production, quality control and transport services

Our automatic lines produce following types of pallets

We use several types of automatic pallet lines and robots.
Thanks to modern technologies we can adjust to fast changes of demands and requested pallet types.
Our pallets can have IPPC certificate and we deliver them through our own truck fleet.

Company Spot

Take a look inside our operation. See where we operate and follow the production process from the cutting of the timber to the technology for pallet production to the dispatch of the products to the customer.


Company History


Pallets Worldwide

Pallets manufactured by us are together with transported goods exported worldwide.

Goods are transported across the world thanks to our pallets

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